Targeted Strategic Sourcing

I read an article recently that stated that we were in a recession.  Really?  It didn't take reading a bunch of statistics to know that finding a job was harder than ever. 

What is even more difficult is wading through the avalanche of resumes to find a top performer for that one position you are advertising for.  Last week a client told me about a recent hiring attempt.  They had advertised to fill one fairly technical position.  You'd think that with specific software requirements the applicant pool would be small, right?  In just a few days they had received over 14,000 resumes. 

So, how do you separate the wheat from the chaff? 


There is an abundance of options for advertising a position:
     Newspapers (Yes, they still exist)
     Social Media
     Industry-specific job boards
     Word of Mouth

To find a quality candidate you must:
  1. Have a firm understanding of what you are looking for in a successful candidate.
  2. Develop a strategic staffing plan to assist you in streamlining your hiring process. 
  3. Research which media would best benefit your company.  For example, if you are in the technology industry, it is safe to assume that your candidate is tech-savvy and would be searching for a new opportunity by using online job boards.  Are there industry-specific job boards available for your industry?
  4. Offer incentives to current employees to recruit other top performers through their network of associates and friends.   
  5. Understand the importance of a comprehensive benefit package when recruiting new hires.
Just a few simple steps can reduce the amount of frivolous resumes you receive and can speed up your hiring process.

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